Sunday, December 9, 2007

Learn 23 1/2 things

I think this was a wonderful program and a fun way to develop professionally. I learned a lot of things that I didn't know before and I believe that I now can speak about many issues that revolve around web 2.0. Over all the program was very well laid out with very good examples, resources and exercises to reinforce the concepts that were being introduced. My favorite discovery was FlickR and favorite exercise the Rollya Assignment. Yes, if there is another discovery program like this in the future I definitely will want to participate.

Audio Books

While it is nice that QBPL has a collection of audio books it is rather limited. I explored the collection and while there are some interesting titles I was not able to find what I was looking for in English though I did find it in Spanish.

Podcasts and smodcasts

I used podcast net to search for books and found a number of sites that offer information mainly from publishers. I subscribed to the Simon Says podcast on my blogline site.

Face book and social networking

The facebook application that I like the most for libraries is book iread which allows people to share book titles and write reviews I think this would be a great addition to QBPL for our patrons to communicate among each other. I personally like myFlicker as it allows one to edit and share photos.

Discovering WEB 2.0 tools

I'm picking google docs as a tool that I really like and think is useful. This allows someone to produce and access documents from anywhere they are and then even post them to their blog. All of this without even buying any software or installing it on their machine. For the library this is useful as many of our clients don't own a computer so prior to tools like this they could not even create document or spreadsheet and then save it for future use.


This is a lecture by Randy Pausch that I think is very good and is posted on youtube.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Let's collaborate and have a good time

I wrote this document in Google docs and uploaded a file to my account of a picture of my family. I paste it into this document and uploaded to my blog. All through Google, wow... cool. Groovey.

Playing around with Wikis

It was interesting to explore and contribute to a Wiki, I found the travel section on Wikihow and there was an article on how to enjoy the Victoria Falls. i have been there with my family so I edited the page and added a tip on having breakfast at the Victoria Falls Hotel. This was easy to do.

my tip

Wiki me this

I found that all the Wikis to be interesting. I particularly liked the SCJPL subject guide, it not only gives reviews and suggest readings but also provides links to help those doing research or writing reports. QBL can apply the Wiki technology for book talks, summer reading programs.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Library 2.0

I think QPL is already on the way to Library 2.0. The recent Hotpicks is one example of this. We certainly can encourage the public to give us feedbacks, suggestions of what they would like to see in the library and what services made available could be provided through blogging. A newsfeed could be used to up date the public on collections, programs that are being offered and services.

Feeding Frenzy

Syndic allows you to search for sites with feed while and Technorati give more relevant and up to date articles on sites but does not indicate whether they have feeds or not unless you go into each individual one to check.

RSS feeds

RSS is a great tool for getting the up to date information that you want from the sources you trust. It is specially useful for information institution such as libraries to provide instant updates on collections, programs and services.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


The site is like a central clearing house. It is like a catalog of blogs with comments, rankings, for people to search. Blogs have become a new media forum where the famous and the guy next door can voice and publish their opinions and experiences.

It's not only bridges the gap between librarians and the public when providing reference service, but also makes it easier to search subjects that do not exit in the library of Congress subject headings. It helps to identify useful sites because other people already did their homework and share their experience. Knowledge and information is shard internationally.

Rollya assignment

It was fun but hard to post it to my blog. I couldn't have done it without the help of my husband. The Rollya search engine is amazing, it allows you to be able to define a set of relevant sites for those reading your blog can use.

My Namibia Rollyo

Here is a short list of useful sites on Namibia

Namibian travel information

My Library

These are my book recommendations:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

FlickR Picture of Etosha Pan


I was able to use to the FlickR to find pictures of Etosha Pan in Namibia where my family and I spend time in the early 1990's. Here is picture of a water hole at the Pan where in the evening many different amimal would come to drink.